Dating is exhausting and tiring? It doesn’t have to be. In Parship’s new campaign, approachable scenes show the ease, fun and spontaneity of online dating – continuing the dating app’s “healthy dating” movement. Essential: developing your own personality.
Crossing the finish line of a marathon together, fighting hours-long chess duels or spontaneously dancing through the summer rain – finding someone who shares your passions is not that easy. This is where Parship comes in: The new “Dating that fits” campaign is designed to encourage singles to be authentic and genuine when looking for a partner, along with their individual character traits and interests. The foundation for an appreciative dating experience, which Parship wants to promote with the “Healthy Dating” movement initiated at the end of 2021 and which is reflected in the app: The results from the Parship personality test provide information on how well two members harmonize based on their relationship personality. With the “Vibe Check” feature, singles can also discover similarities at a glance. Parship members also decide for themselves who they would like to make contact with by responding specifically to the profile area of the relevant member. Only when the interest is reciprocated is a match made and singles can get to know each other better.
It is precisely these approachable, personality-based dating stories that “Dating that fits” now tells. The campaign was created in collaboration with thjnk Germany and 27km, directed by Theresa Andresen and photographed by Cem Guenes. The emotional spots and motifs can be seen throughout Germany from August 12 on digital and analog out-of-home surfaces as well as on TV and on the dating app’s social media channels.
“Online dating feels good when the individuality of every single person is prioritized and valued. At Parship, we focus on the person behind the profile and what connects them to others. This is exactly what our ‘Dating that fits’ campaign conveys. We want to encourage singles to show themselves as they are in online dating, including their personality and interests. The most important prerequisite for finding a person with whom you are compatible.”
Herbert Murschenhofer, CMO ParshipMeet Group
A strong partnership
Being able to develop one’s own personality and individuality is not a matter of course for many people in our society, including queer people, for example. Parship therefore supports Welcoming Out, an initiative that invites people to show their openness and acceptance towards queer people, as part of an ongoing partnership. Parship and Welcoming Out already celebrated diversity and tolerance together at the last Christopher Street Day in Hamburg. Now the partnership is also visible as part of the “Dating that fits” campaign: with the integration of the Welcoming Out logo on selected out-of-home motifs.
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